Potjiekos Team Building Sandton

Potjiekos Team Building Sandton

Potjiekos Competition SandtonThe Sandton Potjiekos Competition is one of the Top 10 Team Building Events in Johannesburg. Each team get a Mystery Box, and have to cook a cuisine that represents a foreign country. Team Building Quotations for the Sandton Potjiekos Competition is inclusive of coffee and pastries, 11 o’clock refreshments, and lunch.

09h00 - Coffee, Muffins, Cheese Savories, Mini Yogurts

Ice Breakers and Fun Group Activities

Dividing Teams ±10pp/team. 

Escape Room Games
60min, 60 clues. Everybody get a sticker on his back with a Hollywood actor, and clues that lead to the next character. Characters include Charlize Theron, Tom Hanks, Will Smith, Simpsons, and Donald Trump etc. Teams have to follow these characters to find the correct Escape Route. The game quickly develop into a “show me yours (sticker), and I will show you mine (stickers)” – a “Funny Game of Thrones”. Clues include Invisible Ink, QR Codes, Mirror Text, Puzzles, etc.

11h00 - Refreshment Break
Assorted Toasted Sandwiches and Chips, Bottled Water or 340ml Soft Drinks

Potjiekos Competitions
Each team receives a Mystery Box with Herbs, Spices, and Utensils. One team will get the tomatoes and pepper, while the other team the onions and salt etc. Teams have to build a potjie that represents a country, i.e. Mexico, Thailand, Spain etc. Min 300g meat per person.

  • New Utensils - new disposable utensils (halaal), veggie knives, spoons, cutting boards, mixing bowls, mop caps, chef hats, aprons, gloves
  • Herbs & Spices -i.e basil, tumeric, bay leaves, capers, cardamom, chives, cloves, fennel, garlic, jasmine, nutmeg, oregano, paprika, saffron, curry, thyme, turmeric etc.
  • Charcoal & Fire Lighters
  • Meat (halaal, Forsmay Muslim Butchery, 011 838 5720 or Laudium Muslim Halal Butchery, 012 374 3415) - lamb, beef, chicken, ±350g per person. We regret, to maintain our halal status, no pork whatsoever.

12h45 - Judging
One person from each team is chosen as a judge, that person must select a criteria, i.e. taste, texture, presentation etc. Each judge must select a different criteria

13h00 - Lunch is served and winner announced
Potjies are served with Pap and Gravy, 6 Assorted Salads, and Fresh Rolls. Soft Drinks include 340ml Coke, Sprite etc, and Bottled Water.
  • Halaal – all meat is Halaal, ask for receipt
  • Vegetarian and Vegan Meals - please order from the Restaurant Menu
  • Kosher Meals - we regret, there are no Kosher Restaurants neat the venue. You may bring your own Kosher Meat or Meals
Cash Bar Optional
Old English Pub and Outside Bar. Very affordable rates, i.e. 500ml Draught ±R35, Quart Castle ±R30. We can add the bar tab on our invoice

Depart at Leisure
